The membership of the Association for Asian Performance includes senior scholars, graduate students, internationally-recognized artists, independent writers and performers, and others. The organization’s first interest is in bringing its diverse members together for productive thought and collaboration.
AAP invites all scholars and artists with an interest in the theatrical traditions of Asia to join our discussions, to attend the AAP conference, and to contribute to the AAP membership’s dynamic projects.
AAP membership includes a subscription to Asian Theatre Journal. Dues are discounted for graduate students.
Follow this Membership link to join AAP online.
The AAP’s email listserv is administered by the University of Hawaii. You do NOT have to be an official member of AAP to join the listserv.
You can send an email to all subscribers at
If you want to register a new email address, so that you can receive AAP email and send messages to others on the list, you have a couple of options. You can email Minu Park at and ask them to add your email address to the list. Or, if you like to do things for yourself, you can follow the directions at