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2024 AAP Annual Conference CFP!

Color photograph of Atlanta, GA skyline at sunset, with several skyscrapers and ferris wheel


Association for Asian Performance 24th Annual Conference

Wednesday, July 31, 2024 | In-Person Conference

Atlanta, GA

The Association for Asian Performance (AAP) invites submissions for its 24th annual

conference. The AAP conference is a one-day event, to be held at the Loews Atlanta Hotel

preceding the annual Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) conference. Proposals are invited for papers, panels, workshops, roundtable discussions, and other formats. Learn more about AAP, and our annual conference, at

The deadline for proposals is April 5, 2024.

Proposals for the following formats are welcome:

  • Individual Papers on topics related to Asian performance. Proposals for individual papers should include an abstract (max 250 words). Individual presentations should be limited to 20 minutes so that there will be time left for questions and discussion. Visual materials (slides, video, etc.) are strongly encouraged.

  • Panels composed of three paper presenters and one discussant or four paper presenters. Proposals for panels should provide a brief statement (250 words) that explains the session as a whole, a list of titles and a 50-word abstract for each paper, and biography of the discussant (if applicable).

  • Papers for Curated Panels: This year AAP is sponsoring two themed panels. The topics for this year’s panels are:

    • Decolonizing Research: Building on the recent workshops run by the Anti-Racism Committee, this panel seeks papers that address the process of decolonizing research and creative practice, especially through the use of theories and methodologies drawn from Black Studies, Indigenous Studies, Disability Studies, and other areas that challenge normative modes of North American academic research.

    • Asian Performance in the 21st Century…so far: This panel seeks papers that reflect on trends, developments, and emerging practices across the field of Asian Performance. Nearly a quarter of the way into the twenty-first century, who are the artists whose work is in conversation with the social, political, and environmental concerns of the moment, and what are the innovations in performance that we anticipate will continue to shape the field for the next twenty-five years?

    • To propose papers for these panels, please submit an abstract (250 words) that both articulates the paper’s argument and relates it to the panel theme.

  • Roundtables offer an opportunity for participants to discuss specific themes, issues, or significant recent publications. A maximum of six active participants is recommended. While a roundtable proposal need not be as detailed as a panel proposal, it should explain fully the session’s purpose, themes, or issues and scope (250 words), as well as provide a list of committed participants.

  • Workshops by performance practitioner(s) with expertise in specific Asian performance traditions are welcomed, particularly workshops that overlap with a panel theme or paper presentation. Workshop proposals should include an abstract (350 words) describing the workshop and any technical or space considerations. Workshops should be designed to run no longer than 80 minutes.

All proposals should include the following:

  • Title of panel, roundtable, workshop, or paper.

  • Names of all presenters, including chair and/or organizer and discussant (for panels and roundtables), and a few biographical sentences about each presenter.

  • Affiliation, specialization (field/region), and e-mail addresses of all participants.

  • Explanation of the session (for panels, workshops, and roundtables); abstract for each panel presentation or each paper.

Please submit proposals by filling out this form.

You may also contact Amanda Culp ( with any questions, ideas, or for help finding collaborators.

Calling all Senior Faculty!

Interested in chairing a panel or offering your expertise as a respondent? Please reach out to VP for AAP Conference Planning Amanda Culp ( to let her know.

Calling all Graduate Students!

AAP warmly encourages participation from graduate students. The conference provides a

number of dedicated events, such as a mentoring session and time for social gatherings with

fellow graduate students, that make AAP an especially welcoming and enriching experience. If you are interested in learning more, please contact our Graduate Student Representatives:

Anru Chu ( and Hayana Kim (


All presenters are expected to join AAP. To learn more about the benefits of becoming an AAP member, please visit our website at and consider joining us on Facebook:

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