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AAP Elections: Call for Nominations

Writer's picture: AAPAAP

This year we will be holding elections for four positions: VP/AAP Conference Planning, VP/ATHE Conference Planning, one Graduate Student Representative, and an apprentice Secretary/Treasurer. The new board members will begin their duties at the membership meeting for the 2022 conference. Below please find position descriptions. Please email AAP President Xing Fan <> with any questions.

We will accept nominations until November 15, 2021. Please email Xing Fan <>. Self-nominations are highly encouraged!

AAP Officer Position Descriptions

Officers are expected to attend three AAP/ATHE Conferences, at the beginning, end, and midpoint of their terms. Most positions require membership in both organizations and registering for both conferences. We understand that Graduate Student Representatives may not always be able to attend the conferences due to more limited travel funds, but we hope that the GSRs will make every effort to attend. Conferences are usually the last week of July/ first week of August and located typically within in the continental US.

Vice President - AAP Conference PlannerThis vice president (VP) plans and oversees the AAP preconference held before the main ATHE Conference. This role is busiest in the spring semester. The VP solicits and manages submissions to the conference, oversees scheduling, which requires some working with ATHE Leadership, plans schmooze fest and works with the grad student reps to plan their events. It is an excellent position for someone who wants experience organizing a conference in a well-supported forum. The position also has significant opportunity for creativity and to shape conversations within the field of Asian theatre. Two-year term with position running – 2022-2024, 2024-2026.

Vice President - ATHE Conference Planner This vice president (VP) manages our conference participation within the larger ATHE conference. This role is busiest in the fall semester. The VP solicits submissions, helps organize papers into panels (submission to ATHE is by organized panel only), and oversees the rating process by getting input from the AAP board. At the ATHE conference the VP attends a meeting for conference organizers and attends all AAP sponsored panels in order to represent the organization. This is a great position for someone to make connections between the larger field of theatre studies and Asian theatre. Two-year term with position running – 2022-2024, 2024-2026. Graduate Student Representative (One) The graduate representatives for AAP promote the conference to graduate students with the intent of reaching a wide-range of disciplinary backgrounds as well as US/international students. They also organize graduate student social events and professional development events at the conference. They connect graduate students to other scholars for a mentorship relationship. Two-year term with position running – 2022-2024, 2024-2026.

Secretary/Treasurer (Apprentice year 2022-2023, then two-year term beginning 2023-2025)

The Secretary/Treasurer handles the finances of the organization, maintains and keeps all records, is responsible for taking minutes during all meetings, ensures the organization is in compliance with all federal and state tax and non-profit regulations, liases with the University of Hawaii'i Press in regard to ATJ subscriptions, and communicates with members as needed. The organization is looking for an individual who will serve as apprentice Sec/Trea, training with the current Secretary/Treasurer, and then taking over the position in 2023. Two-year term with position running – 2023-2025, 2025-2027.

Please email Xing Fan <> by November 15 with nominations. Self-nominations are highly encouraged!

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The Association for Asian Performance is an international organization of scholars and artists interested in the theatre and theatrical performance traditions of Asian regions.

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Image Credits: 

David Mason

Victoria & Albert Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wikimedia Commons

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