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AAP Fall Forum & ATHE 2021 CFP

AAP CFP for ATHE 2021

Association for Asian Performance (AAP) Sponsored Sessions at

Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2021 Conference

AAP invites session proposals and/or individual paper proposals that explore the 2021 ATHE theme “RE: ATHE” and its manifestations in Asian performance, including but not limited to performance traditions of Asian regions and the theory, practice, and/or pedagogy of Asian performance from transnational and multidisciplinary perspectives. To learn more about the AAP and membership benefits please visit the AAP website.

Conference Dates

AUGUST 5-8, 2021

Hybrid Conference: Austin, TX and online

Conference Theme "RE: ATHE"

Our location, Austin, forces us to rethink our perceptions of the Lone Star State. Once known as the seat of power, the city has reinvented itself into a center of arts, music and counterculture in the heart of Texas. Austin may represent the political and cultural changes coming to Texas, but it also reflects the racial, cultural, and economic issues of other “liberal” hubs such as New York and San Francisco. A site of rebellion and resistance, Austin will help us reimagine new socio-cultural opportunities. This moment finds us amid a global pandemic, growing climate concerns, fascist political actions in the U.S., immigrant holding camps at its border, and theatre closures around the world. As the Black Lives Matter movement challenges not just police brutality but systemic racism more broadly, this moment demands us to reconsider theatre and ATHE, to disrupt our previous practices, and reassemble new futures.

AAP Fall Forum (virtual event)

On Friday, October 23, 2020 (6-7:30pm), AAP will host a Fall Forum via Zoom. We will go over the 2021 hybrid conference format, submission procedures, and tips for building successful panels. There will also be a networking portion to share ideas and generate panels. Register for the Fall Forum here.

Session Proposal Submission

Submission Due Date: December 1, 2020.

Session proposals must be submitted online using the ATHE webpage (submission portal to go live soon). All technology requests must be included in your completed online proposal.* Please note, accepted panels will be asked to choose whether they will be in person or online by April 2021 (all panel participants must select the same option).

For Pre-Submission Consideration

1. “Single Focus Group Sessions” on the online application form refers to paper panels and roundtable discussions with AAP as the only sponsor. Proposals (with all members assembled) should be submitted directly to ATHE by December 1, 2020. Please make sure to submit a copy of your complete proposal to Dr. Jyana Browne [] prior to December 1 to secure AAP’s sponsorship. Technology requests after November 1 will not be considered; please follow instructions on application form to make appropriate requests.

2. “Multidisciplinary Sessions” must be sponsored by at least two Focus Groups. Proposals (with all members assembled) should be submitted directly to ATHE by December 1, 2020. Each group must be contacted and approve the submission with their names attached. Please make sure to submit a copy of your complete proposal to Dr. Jyana Browne [] prior to December 1, 2020 to secure AAP’s sponsorship. Technology requests after November 1, 2018 will not be considered; please follow instructions on application form to make appropriate requests.

3. Deadline to apply for grants is December 1, 2020.

4. For the 2021 ATHE, participants will only be able to present in a total of two ATHE concurrent sessions.

Individual Paper Submission

Submission Deadline: November 1, 2020.

Although individual papers are not accepted by ATHE, AAP would like to extend help to scholars who have not yet formed panels. For individual papers, please email your proposals (max. 250 words) to Dr. Jyana Browne [] by November 1, 2020. She will group papers with similar interests into proposed panels.

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