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CFP: AAP Emerging Scholars Adjudicated Panel

Writer's picture: AAPAAP

AAP Annual Conference 2019 in Orlando FL. Photo courtesy Whit Emerson.

The Association for Asian Performance (AAP) invites submissions for its 26th Annual Adjudicated Panel to be held during the Association for Asian Performance annual conference in Detroit, Michigan on July 28-29, 2020, which precedes the Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) conference. Selected papers will be strongly considered for publication in Asian Theatre Journal – an official publication of AAP. Eligibility is open to all (current and recent graduate students, scholars, teachers, artists) provided they are: 1) early in their scholarly career OR new to the study of Asian performance; 2) have not published in Asian Theatre Journal; and 3) have not previously received an AAP Emerging Scholars Award. We welcome submissions from past applicants. Papers (8-10 double-spaced pages) may deal with any aspect of Asian performance or drama. Preparation of the manuscript in Asian Theatre Journal style, which can be gleaned from a recent issue, is desirable. Up to three winning authors will be selected and invited to present their papers at the upcoming AAP conference. Paper presentations should be no longer than twenty minutes. A $100 cash prize will be awarded for each paper selected, to help offset conference fees. AAP Conference registration fees are waived for the winners, who also receive one-year free membership to AAP. Receipt of award is contingent upon attendance at the AAP conference. All paper submissions will receive written feedback from the selection committee.


Papers should be accompanied by a separate cover sheet detailing the author’s contact information: institutional affiliation and current title (if relevant), address, phone number, and email address (for both academic year and summer holiday). The author’s name should not appear in the paper.

Please send submissions electronically to Dr. Arnab Banerji, Assistant Professor of Theatre, Loyola Marymount University (

Deadline for Submissions: January 30, 2020. Winners will be notified by April 30, 2020

AAP is proud to sponsor this adjudicated panel. Not only is it a chance for students and emergingscholars to get exposure and recognition for their work, it also provides an opportunity to meet and make contacts with others who are interested in similar fields of research.

Please direct any inquiries regarding the Emerging Scholars Award panel to Arnab Banerji at (

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The Association for Asian Performance is an international organization of scholars and artists interested in the theatre and theatrical performance traditions of Asian regions.

© 2023 by the Association for Asian Performance. Created with

Image Credits: 

David Mason

Victoria & Albert Museum

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Wikimedia Commons

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