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CFP: AAP-Sponsored Panels @ ATHE 2019

Xiaomei Chen delivers the ATJ lecture at ATHE 2018.

Association for Asian Performance (AAP) Sponsored Sessions at

Association for Theatre in Higher Education (ATHE) 2019 Conference

AAP invites session proposals and/or individual paper proposals that explore the 2019 ATHE theme, “Scene Changes: Performing, Teaching, and Working through the Transition”, and its manifestations in Asian performance, including but not limited to performance traditions of Asian regions and the theory, practice, and/or pedagogy of Asian performance from transnational and multidisciplinary perspectives.


  • OCTOBER 20, 2018 for individual papers

  • NOVEMBER 1, 2018 for session proposals (i.e. organized panels, roundtables, etc.)

Conference Dates and Location

AUGUST 7-11, 2019

Orlando, Florida

Conference Theme

Scene Changes: Performing, Teaching, and Working through the Transitions

The 2019 ATHE Conference explores all that the theme of “Scene Changes” suggests. What are the practical challenges of scene changes for playwrights, directors, dramaturgs, designers, actors, stage managers, and stage crews? For whom is a scene change an interlude of quiet contemplation, and for whom is it the busiest moment of the night? What is the history of the scene shift, and how have theatre artists dealt with changes in production methods and audience tastes? How do scene-shifts shape audiences’ experiences? How will our field respond to the challenges and opportunities represented by recent changes in leadership, and by shifting economies of production? How do we reflect on techniques of theatre education and scholarship in this changing moment? How can we begin to proactively change the scenes of the theatrical climate and structure? Perhaps most importantly, how will we make use of the present moment to redress previous wrongs, preserve what is important, and move forward into the future?

Session Proposal Submission

Submission Due Date: November 1, 2018.

Session proposals must be submitted online using the ATHE webpage ( All technology requests must be included in your completed online proposal.

*Please note, the submission portal will go live by the end of September 2018.

For Pre-Submission Consideration

1. “Single Focus Group Sessions” on the online application form refers to paper panels and roundtable discussions with AAP as the only sponsor. Proposals (with all members assembled) should be submitted directly to ATHE by November 1, 2018. But please make sure to submit a copy of your complete proposal to Dr. Man HE []prior toNovember 1 to secure AAP’s sponsorship. Technology requests after November 1 will not be considered; please follow instructions on application form to make appropriate requests.

2. “Multidisciplinary Sessions” must be sponsored byat least two Focus Groups.  Proposals (with all members assembled) should be submitted directly to ATHE by November 1, 2018. Each group must be contacted and approve the submission with their names attached. Please make sure to submit a copy of your complete proposal to Dr. Man HE []prior toNovember 1, 2018to secure AAP’s sponsorship. Technology requests after November 1, 2018 will not be considered; please follow instructions on application form to make appropriate requests.

3. Deadline to apply for grants is November 1, 2018.

4. For the 2019 ATHE, participants will only be able to present in a total of two ATHE concurrent sessions.

Individual Paper Submission

Submission Deadline: October 20, 2018.

Although individual papers are NOT accepted by ATHE, AAP would like to extend more help for scholars who have individual paper proposals but have not yet formed their own sessions. For individual papers, please email your proposals (max. 250 words) to Dr. Man HE [] by October 20, 2018 so that she can have sufficient time to group papers with similar interests into proposed panels.

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